Unverified Commit e587d793 authored by Sean Hammond's avatar Sean Hammond Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #567 from hypothesis/oauth-client-registration-docs

Add OAuth client registration steps to developer docs
parents 8b78d872 16c8ee14
......@@ -86,11 +86,23 @@ run:
export SIDEBAR_APP_URL=http://localhost:5000/app.html
gulp watch
**In the `hypothesis/h` repository**, set the :envvar:`CLIENT_URL` env var to
tell h where to load the client from, before running ``make dev``:
Next, you'll need to create an OAuth client which enables the Hypothesis client
to request an access token from the service in order to make API calls.
1. Go to http://localhost:5000/admin/oauthclients (you'll need to be logged
in to h as an admin user)
2. Select "Register a new OAuth client"
3. Choose a name (eg. "Client") and set the redirect URL to
http://localhost:5000/app.html. Leave the other settings at their default values.
4. After creating the client, make a note of the randomly generated client ID.
**In the `hypothesis/h` repository**, set the :envvar:`CLIENT_URL` and
:envvar:`CLIENT_OAUTH_ID` env vars to tell h where to load the client from and
what OAuth client to use, before running ``make dev``:
.. code-block:: sh
export CLIENT_OAUTH_ID={ OAuth client ID from step above }
export CLIENT_URL=http://localhost:3001/hypothesis
make dev
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