Commit e7b4ec08 authored by Aron Carroll's avatar Aron Carroll

Remove hack in AnnotationUIController

This was fixed by 8e1c52f7 and moving bootstrap into
parent a5b69f7f
......@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ describe 'AnnotationUIController', ->
$scope = null
$rootScope = null
fakeAnnotationUI = null
cacheAsyncQueue = null
beforeEach module('h')
beforeEach inject (_$rootScope_, AnnotationUIController) ->
......@@ -100,18 +99,8 @@ describe 'AnnotationUIController', ->
focusedAnnotationsMap: null
removeSelectedAnnotation: sandbox.stub()
# FIXME: No idea why, but we cannot call $digest() here without angular
# attempting to make an ajax request to an undefined url. This causes
# an internal angular method to throw an exception as it tries to read
# the url protocol. I'm assuming this is caused by a call to $evalAsync
# somewhere in the application.
cacheAsyncQueue = $rootScope.$$asyncQueue
$rootScope.$$asyncQueue = []
new AnnotationUIController(fakeAnnotationUI, $rootScope, $scope)
afterEach -> $rootScope.$$asyncQueue = cacheAsyncQueue
it 'updates the view when the selection changes', ->
fakeAnnotationUI.selectedAnnotationMap = {1: true, 2: true}
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