Commit ea18decb authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Use 'match' instead of 'hits'.

The threadFilter only needs to be tracking the single message in
the container. It is the deepCount that aggregates the results.
There's no longer any reason to cache a __filterResult.
parent b8a81eb4
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# @ngdoc type
# @name threadFilter.ThreadFilterController
# @property {Object} hits The number of messages that match the filters.
# @property {boolean} match True if the last checked message was a match.
# @description
# `ThreadFilterController` provides an API for maintaining filtering over
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
ThreadFilterController = [
(viewFilter) ->
@hits = 0
@match = false
@_active = false
@_children = []
......@@ -86,18 +86,14 @@ ThreadFilterController = [
# @description
# Check whether a message container carries a message matching the
# configured filters. If filtering is not active then the result is
# always `true`. Updates the `hits` property to reflect changes in match
# status of the container by caching the result is the `__filterResult`
# property of the container.
# always `true`. Updates the `match` property to reflect the result.
this.check = (container) ->
unless container?.message then return false
match = !!viewFilter.filter([container.message], @_filters).length
@match = !!viewFilter.filter([container.message], @_filters).length
match = true
@hits += (match - !!container.__filterResult)
container.__filterResult = match
@match = true
# @ngdoc method
......@@ -141,19 +137,22 @@ ThreadFilterController = [
# The threadFilter directive utilizes the {@link searchfilter searchfilter}
# service to parse the expression passed in the directive attribute as a
# faceted search query and configures its controller with the resulting
# filters. It watches the `hits` property of the controller and updates
# filters. It watches the `match` property of the controller and updates
# its thread's message count under the 'filter' key.
threadFilter = [
'$parse', 'searchfilter'
($parse, searchfilter) ->
linkFn = (scope, elem, attrs, [ctrl, thread, counter]) ->
scope.$watch (-> ctrl.hits), (newValue=0, oldValue=0) ->
counter?.count 'match', newValue - oldValue
if counter?
scope.$watch (-> ctrl.match), (match, old) ->
if match and not old
counter.count 'match', 1
else if old
counter.count 'match', -1
scope.$on '$destroy', ->
if thread.container then delete thread.container.__filterResult
counter?.count 'match', -ctrl.hits
scope.$on '$destroy', ->
if ctrl.match then counter.count 'match', -1
if parentCtrl = elem.parent().controller('threadFilter')
ctrl.filters parentCtrl.filters()
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