Commit f6224dca authored by csillag's avatar csillag

Updated to latest version of dom-text-mapper, which has a workaround for yet...

Updated to latest version of dom-text-mapper, which has a workaround for yet another WebKit selection API bug.
parent 218666b6
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ class window.DomTextMapper
@instances: []
......@@ -108,7 +109,8 @@ class window.DomTextMapper
# Select the given path (for visual identification), and optionally scroll to it
selectPath: (path, scroll = false) ->
info = @path[path]
node = info.node ? @lookUpNode info.path
node = info?.node
node or= @lookUpNode info.path
@selectNode node, scroll
performUpdateOnNode: (node, escalating = false) ->
......@@ -360,7 +362,7 @@ class window.DomTextMapper
# This method is called recursively, to collect all the paths in a given sub-tree of the DOM.
collectPathsForNode: (node) ->
collectPathsForNode: (node, invisible = false) ->
# Step one: get rendered node content, and store path info, if there is valuable content
cont = @getNodeContent node, false
if cont.length
......@@ -370,13 +372,17 @@ class window.DomTextMapper
content: cont
length: cont.length
node : node
if invisible
console.log "Something seems to be wrong. I see visible content @ " + path + ", while some of the ancestor nodes reported empty contents. Probably a new selection API bug...."
invisible = true
# Step two: cover all children.
# Q: should we check children even if the goven node had no rendered content?
# I seem to remember that the answer is yes, but I don't remember why.
# A: I seem to remember that the answer is yes, but I don't remember why.
if node.hasChildNodes()
for child in node.childNodes
@collectPathsForNode child
@collectPathsForNode child, invisible
getBody: -> (@rootWin.document.getElementsByTagName "body")[0]
......@@ -435,8 +441,9 @@ class window.DomTextMapper
# To work around this, when told to select specific nodes, we have to
# do various other things. See bellow.
if USE_THEAD_TBODY_WORKAROUND and node.nodeType is Node.ELEMENT_NODE and
node.tagName.toLowerCase() in ["thead", "tbody"] and node.hasChildNodes()
if node.nodeType is Node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.hasChildNodes() and
((USE_THEAD_TBODY_WORKAROUND and node.tagName.toLowerCase() in ["thead", "tbody"]) or
(USE_OL_WORKAROUND and node.tagName.toLowerCase() is "ol"))
# This is a thead or a tbody, and selection those is problematic,
# because if the WebKit bug.
# (Sometimes it selects nothing, sometimes it selects the whole table.)
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