Commit fadfa86c authored by Aron Carroll's avatar Aron Carroll

Merge pull request #1860 from hypothesis/remove-notification-dependency

Remove Annotator.Notification.
parents 4e247f6d 9846db91
Annotator = Annotator || {}
# Public: A simple notification system that can be used to display information,
# warnings and errors to the user. Display of notifications are controlled
# cmpletely by CSS by adding/removing the class. This
# allows styling/animation using CSS rather than hardcoding styles.
class Annotator.Notification extends Delegator
# Sets events to be bound to the @element.
"click": "hide"
# Default options.
html: "<div class='annotator-notice'></div>"
show: "annotator-notice-show"
info: "annotator-notice-info"
success: "annotator-notice-success"
error: "annotator-notice-error"
# Public: Creates an instance of Notification and appends it to the
# document body.
# options - The following options can be provided.
# classes - A Object literal of classes used to determine state.
# html - An HTML string used to create the notification.
# Examples
# # Displays a notification with the text "Hello World"
# notification = new Annotator.Notification
#"Hello World")
# Returns
constructor: (options) ->
super $(@options.html).appendTo(document.body)[0], options
# Public: Displays the annotation with message and optional status. The
# message will hide itself after 5 seconds or if the user clicks on it.
# message - A message String to display (HTML will be escaped).
# status - A status constant. This will apply a class to the element for
# styling. (default: Annotator.Notification.INFO)
# Examples
# # Displays a notification with the text "Hello World"
#"Hello World")
# # Displays a notification with the text "An error has occurred"
#"An error has occurred", Annotator.Notification.ERROR)
# Returns itself.
show: (message, status=Annotator.Notification.INFO) =>
@currentStatus = status
.html(Util.escape(message || ""))
setTimeout this.hide, 5000
# Public: Hides the notification.
# Examples
# # Hides the notification.
# notification.hide()
# Returns itself.
hide: =>
@currentStatus ?= Annotator.Notification.INFO
# Constants for controlling the display of the notification. Each constant
# adds a different class to the Notification#element.
Annotator.Notification.INFO = 'show'
Annotator.Notification.SUCCESS = 'success'
Annotator.Notification.ERROR = 'error'
# Attach notification methods to the Annotation object on document ready.
notification = new Annotator.Notification
Annotator.showNotification =
Annotator.hideNotification = notification.hide
class Notification extends Annotator.Notification escape = (html) ->
.replace(/&(?!\w+;)/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
class Notification
# Default options.
html: "<div class='annotator-notice'></div>"
show: "annotator-notice-show"
info: "annotator-notice-info"
success: "annotator-notice-success"
error: "annotator-notice-error"
@INFO: 'info' @INFO: 'info'
@ERROR: 'error' @ERROR: 'error'
@SUCCESS: 'success' @SUCCESS: 'success'
constructor: (options) -> constructor: (options) ->
element = $(@options.html).hide()[0] element = $(@options.html).hide()[0], element, options) @element = $(element)
@options = $.extend(true, {}, @options, options)
# Retain the fat arrow binding despite skipping the super-class constructor # Retain the fat arrow binding despite skipping the super-class constructor
# XXX: replace with _appendElement override when we move to Annotator v2. # XXX: replace with _appendElement override when we move to Annotator v2.
show: (message, status = Notification.INFO) => show: (message, status = Notification.INFO) =>
super @currentStatus = status
.html(escape(message || ""))
setTimeout @hide, 5000
@element.prependTo(document.body).slideDown() @element.prependTo(document.body).slideDown()
hide: => hide: =>
super @currentStatus ?= Annotator.Notification.INFO
@element.slideUp => @element.remove() @element.slideUp => @element.remove()
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