- 06 Jan, 2016 8 commits
Robert Knight authored
The inline controls use to cover the full height of the right-side of excerpts, not just the visible area occupied by the 'More' and 'Less' links. This is no longer the case. The use of 'pointer-events' here also caused the 'More' link to be unresponsive in Microsoft Edge. There may be a difference in behavior between Edge and FF/Chrome when nested elements have different pointer-events values, but I haven't verified this yet.
Robert Knight authored
* Remove the controller tests which no longer correspond to the implementation * Set default values for <excerpt> attributes needed by test * Add additional tests for toggling of the <excerpt> using inline controls and using properties to control expansion/collapse externally.
Robert Knight authored
Run initialization of <excerpt> asynchronously so that any directives inside its children have been resolved by the time updateContentMaxHeight() is called. In the context of the annotation list, the maxHeight style property of the content element was set to 0 for the annotation quotes because the 'ngRepeat' directive which creates the DOM elements for the quotes had not run by the time that updateContentMaxHeight() was called.
Robert Knight authored
Wrapping the init logic in `scope.$evalAsync()` used to be necessary so that any code touching the '.excerpt' element ran after that element had been transcluded into the DOM. However, this is no longer necessary since all the init logic now runs inside a `scope.$watch()` callback, which is invoked after `ngIf` has inserted the '.excerpt' element into the DOM.
Robert Knight authored
* Increase the expansion speed * Make the drop-shadow at the bottom of collapsed annotation bodies expand to the full width of the annotation card and be clickable to provide an easier-to-hit target for expanding collapsed annotations * Make the shadow non-clickable when hidden after expansion
Robert Knight authored
If the enabled state of the annotation changes after the view loaded, the truncation state did not update. With the current feature flag implementation this typically happens if the feature flags load after the session data has been received. In future the intention is to make feature flags part of the session data payload so this won't happen.
Robert Knight authored
When embedded media in an annotation loads, this may trigger a resize of the element's content and result in a change of whether expand/collapse controls need to be shown, outside of Angular's knowledge. The DOM doesn't provide a nice way to monitor for resizing of a specific elements (although hacks involving scroll events, hidden <iframes> etc. exist) so here we just monitor for 'load' events and trigger a digest in that case, as well as notifying the containing directive whenever the collapsible state changes.
Robert Knight authored
This implements the new annotation card truncation design from https://trello.com/c/Jg0NWyF3/ The main consequence of the change is to make the annotation cards more compact when truncation is enabled by: * Reducing the number of quote lines shown from 3 to 2 * Showing the link to expand truncated quotes at the end of the second line of the quote, instead of on its own line * Moving the link to expand truncated annotation bodies outside of the annotation body and into a control inline with the tags list. This has been implemented by giving the <excerpt> control two modes, one that shows inline expand/collapse controls and a second that allows the containing directive to implement its own controls.
- 22 Dec, 2015 4 commits
Sean Hammond authored
Update annotation timestamp when creating and editing annotations
Robert Knight authored
Robert Knight authored
When a new highlight is saved, updateViewModel() was called immediately after making the request to the server to save the highlight, but not after the response from the server is received, when additional properties such as the last-updated timestamp for the highlight, will have been set.
Robert Knight authored
There were two problems here: 1. The periodic interval for updating the timestamp was never started for new annotations because the initial call to updateTimestamp() was a no-op for annotations that had no timestamp yet. 2. domainModel.updated was never updated after an annotation was saved to the server and hence the call to updateTimestamp() re-used the old timestamp. (1) is fixed now by restarting the interval using the current last-updated timestamp whenever the view model is updated. (2) is fixed indirectly now by moving the logic to update the timestamp into updateViewModel(), so that all updates to it happen in one place. When an annotation is updated, the updated domain model returned by the server is the one passed into updateViewModel() to update it. * Separate out the logic for creating a decaying interval whose frequency depends on the age of some input timestamp, and updating the timestamp string on each interval. The decaying interval is now handled by 'time.decayingInterval' * Trigger a restart of the interval whenever the view model is updated in response to a change to the annotation Fixes #2819 Fixes #2822
- 18 Dec, 2015 15 commits
Robert Knight authored
Clear selection before creating new annotation
Sean Hammond authored
Use Angular 1.3.x+ one-time bindings
Robert Knight authored
Use one-time bindings in the annotation component's template for expressions whose values cannot change during the lifetime of an annotation card. Testing using the default /stream view, without scrolling: Initial status as of 1ceb5fcefd7fa057bdbcf1f73df57d007289531f averaged over 30+ digest cycles: Digest cycle: ~30ms Watchers: 1686 With this commit: Digest cycle: ~26ms Watchers: 1649
Nick Stenning authored
Remove Moment.js
Sean Hammond authored
Clear any selection that exists in the sidebar before creating a new annotation. Otherwise the new annotation with its form open for the user to type in won't be visible because it's not part of the selection.
Nick Stenning authored
Add --debug arg to hypothesis-buildext
Nick Stenning authored
Consolidate /app and /app/features endpoints
Robert Knight authored
Fix video embeds in Firefox < 45
Sean Hammond authored
innerText is non-standard and not supported in Firefox < 45. Use textContent instead.
Sean Hammond authored
Enable video embeds to be shown fullscreen
Robert Knight authored
Improve a code comment
Sean Hammond authored
Robert Knight authored
Experience has taught us that the client needs the session data (current user, list of groups) and set of enabled feature flags at the same time, and also needs to invalidate them in the same scenarios (eg. account switching). Fetching this data via two separate requests made it more complicated to ensure the client had a consistent view of session and feature-flag data. To simplify things and also same a network request: * On the server, put the feature flag data into the session data payload. * On the client, use the existing central storage and cache management for the session data payload to manage feature flags as well. The features service now becomes a thin wrapper around part of the session state.
Robert Knight authored
A downside of using the browser intl APIs to avoid the overhead of Moment.js is that the output is implementation dependent. Use toLocaleString()'s options argument where supported (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, IE 11) for more control over formatting of dates in annotation last-updated tooltips. Safari is the only modern browser currently lacking support for this option. For Safari, use toDateString() and toLocaleDateString() which generates the most similar format.
Robert Knight authored
The 'allowfullscreen' attribute must be set on both the embed's <iframe> and the parent sidebar <iframe> when the embed's main script is loaded to enable fullscreen support.
- 17 Dec, 2015 5 commits
Robert Knight authored
Add media embeds feature
Sean Hammond authored
Client-side, replace any links to YouTube or Vimeo videos in annotation body texts with <iframe> video embeds for those same videos. Behind a new feature flag. markdown.coffee: after rendering the user's markdown text to HTML and sanitizing it, compile the HTML string into a DOM element and insert it into the DOM using innerHTML from JavaScript, instead of using Angular's ng-bind-html to insert the HTML string into the DOM. This means that our CoffeeScript code in markdown.coffee has the rendered annotation body as a DOM element, and can use the DOM API to modify it before inserting it into the DOM. Take advantage of this to find video links in the HTML and replace them with embeds. This is done by a standalone media-embedder.js module that markdown.coffee calls. This module is designed to allow functions for generating embeds for different kinds of URLs to be plugged in. So far functions for a few different kinds of YouTube and Vimeo URLs are implemented, but further functions for more media types can be added.
Robert Knight authored
Moment.js is only used in a single place, for converting ISO8601 date-time strings from the annotation's 'updated' field to user-friendly date strings (eg. 'Wednesday 17 Dec, 18:59') for the tooltips for the last-updated link in the annotation card. Replacing this with functions from the built-in Date object saves 167KB from the generated bundle size (see moment/min/moment-with-locales.min.js) and also speeds up the digest cycle. For 20 annotation cards in the /stream view, generating the date string used to take 6-7ms with Moment. It takes <2ms with the built in functions in a current build of Chrome. This still shows up as the most expensive watch expression, so we might want to add caching as well.
Robert Knight authored
jscs: Require `function () {}`
Sean Hammond authored
Change jscs's required style from `function()` to `function ()`. We always require a space after the `function` keyword, and before {} braces, but we do not allow a space between a function name and its () braces: var foo1 = function () {}; // Right. var foo2 = function() {}; // Wrong. var foo3 = function (){}; // Wrong. var foo4 = function foo4() {}; // Right. var foo5 = function foo5 () {}; // Wrong. var foo6 = function foo6(){}; // Wrong. function foo7() {} // Right. function foo8 () {} // Wrong. function foo9(){} // Wrong. This deviates from the Google style guide and jscs presets that we use.
- 16 Dec, 2015 1 commit
Nick Stenning authored
Don't crash on non-JSON body
- 15 Dec, 2015 3 commits
Robert Knight authored
Enable showdown's literalMidWordUnderscores
Sean Hammond authored
This stops showdown from interpreting underscores in the middle of words as <em> and <strong>, instead it treats them as literal underscores. Example: some text with__underscores__in middle will be parsed as <p>some text with__underscores__in middle</p> Fixes #2598 (URLs with _'s in them were getting <em> tags inserted into them, breaking the links). Also see <https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown/issues/211>.
Nick Stenning authored
Small tweaks to the header for re-use in the blog
- 14 Dec, 2015 4 commits
Robert Knight authored
Don't update annotations with contents of others
Sean Hammond authored
When listening to the 'annotationUpdated' event, AnnotationController needs to check that it's this annotation that the event refers to before acting on it. Fixes #2799.
Robert Knight authored
Annotation controller domain model view model refactor
Sean Hammond authored