• Sean Hammond's avatar
    Reorganize AnnotationSync tests by method · 90535d22
    Sean Hammond authored
    If the tests are grouped according to what class / method / function
    they're testing, then it's a lot easier to see what is being tested and
    what isn't, and it's easier to find the tests for `foo()` or to know where
    to put new tests for `foo()`.
    On the other hand when you names tests like
    `describe('channel event handlers',` `describe('event handlers',`
    `describe('the "loadAnnotations" event',`,
    `describe('the "deleteAnnotation" event',` etc then it can be a lot
    harder for a reader coming along later to understand how the tests are
    organized and how this organization relates to the code itself.
    Most of the examples on https://mochajs.org/ use this style of
    organizing tests:
        describe('Array', function() {
          describe('#indexOf()', function() {
          describe('#concat()', function () {
          describe('#slice()', function () {
        describe('User', function() {
          describe('#save()', function() {
        describe('Connection', function() {
          describe('#find()', function() {
    This commit reorganizes the AnnotationSync tests along the same lines.
    I've also made use of Mocha's `context()` function to group tests
    **within a `describe()` for a method** by context. `context()` is just
    an alias for `describe()`, but it has different semantics. (This is
    also in line with how `context()` is used in the mochajs.org examples).
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