• Lyza Danger Gardner's avatar
    Refactor and fix a11y in `SidebarContentError` · f01617a0
    Lyza Danger Gardner authored
    Refactor `SidebarContentError` to be simpler and provide a clearer
    UX for the four possible states of direct-linked errors (states are based
    on error type—annotation or group—and whether the user is logged in or
    Reuse sidebar-panel design pattern overall.
    Provide an option for the user to “clear the error”, i.e., show all
    annotations instead of “filtering” by the direct-linked annotation or
    group. Provide a button for the user to log in if they are not currently
    logged in.
    Update `SearchStatusBar` to remove unneeded references to direct-linked
    store information, as it will now not render if there is a direct-linked
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