• Randall Leeds's avatar
    Fix regressions in auth errors and state resume · baf9906d
    Randall Leeds authored
    Fix two recent regressions with authentication. The first is the lack
    of form error reporting. The second is the issue that ongoing highlight
    mode switches and edits don't proceed after login.
    - Unify all the interceptors related to sessioning. The interceptor for
      flash messages, csrf, and extracting the model from the session view
      responses is now all in session.coffee. This is better because it
      means other requests that don't return data in the same format aren't
      processed by these interceptors. It also makes it clearer which data
      the interceptors are processing; the CSRF interceptor may have been
      broken because the flash interceptor was discarding the data outside
      the model object.
    - The CSRF interceptor was also not returning a rejected promise on
      errors. This mistake caused the errors not to be propagated to the
      Auth form controller. Fix #1266.
    - The interaction between the Auth controller, session model changes,
      and scope resets is improved. The timeouts on the auth sheet are
      fixed so that they don't lose the ongoing mode switches and edits
      when the sheet is closed. Fix #1214.
controllers.coffee 33 KB