Commit 83ca0305 authored by Alejandro Celaya's avatar Alejandro Celaya Committed by Alejandro Celaya

Use table for annotations export in HTML format

parent 8882a070
......@@ -189,18 +189,30 @@ export class AnnotationsExporter {
<dt>Total users</dt>
<dd>{uniqueUsers.join(', ')}</dd>
<dt>Total annotations</dt>
<dt>Total replies</dt>
<td>Total users:</td>
<td>{uniqueUsers.join(', ')}</td>
<td>Total annotations:</td>
<td>Total replies:</td>
<hr />
......@@ -323,18 +323,30 @@ ${formattedNow},,My group,Annotation,,John Doe,Annotation text
<dd>My group</dd>
<dt>Total users</dt>
<dd>jane, bill</dd>
<dt>Total annotations</dt>
<dt>Total replies</dt>
<td>My group</td>
<td>Total users:</td>
<td>jane, bill</td>
<td>Total annotations:</td>
<td>Total replies:</td>
<hr />
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