Commit e2b3b544 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Refactor to avoid renders and add tests

Rather than watching a bunch of subproperties, the most complex of
which are the targets, deep watch the whole annotation. The targets
were being deep watched already. This just seems much easier and
clearer than debouncing the render calls, and scales to whatever
properties much change in the future. We'll re-evaluate if this
becomes a bottleneck.
parent 7774abe7
......@@ -223,31 +223,24 @@ AnnotationController = [
$scope.$on '$destroy', ->
drafts.remove model
# Render on updates.
$scope.$watch (-> model.updated), (updated, old) =>
return if updated is old
if updated then drafts.remove model
this.render() # XXX: TODO: don't clobber the view when collaborating
# Update once logged in.
$scope.$watch (-> model.user), (user, old) =>
return if user is old
if highlight and vm.isHighlight()
if user
# Watch the model.
# XXX: TODO: don't clobber the view when collaborating
$scope.$watch (-> model), (model, old) =>
# Discard saved drafts
if model.updated != old.updated
drafts.remove model
# Save highlights once logged in.
if highlight and this.isHighlight()
if model.user
annotator.publish 'annotationCreated', model
highlight = false # skip this on future updates
drafts.add model, -> this.revert()
# Calculate things neded for the visual diff support
$scope.$watch (->, (targets, old) =>
return if targets is old
, true
$scope.$watch (-> model), => this.render()
# Start editing brand new annotations immediately
unless or (highlight and this.isHighlight()) then this.edit()
......@@ -31,46 +31,6 @@ describe 'h.directives.annotation', ->
afterEach ->
it 'provides a document title', ->
controller = createController()
assert.equal(controller.document.title, 'A special document')
it 'uses the first title when there are more than one', ->
annotation.document.title = ['first title', 'second title']
controller = createController()
assert.equal(controller.document.title, 'first title')
it 'truncates long titles', ->
annotation.document.title = '''A very very very long title that really
shouldn't be found on a page on the internet.'''
controller = createController()
assert.equal(controller.document.title, 'A very very very long title th…')
it 'provides a document uri', ->
controller = createController()
assert.equal(controller.document.uri, '')
it 'provides an extracted domain from the uri', ->
controller = createController()
assert.equal(controller.document.domain, '')
it 'uses the domain for the title if the title is not present', ->
delete annotation.document.title
controller = createController()
assert.equal(controller.document.title, '')
it 'skips the document object if no document is present on the annotation', ->
delete annotation.document
controller = createController()
describe '#reply', ->
controller = null
container = null
......@@ -107,3 +67,60 @@ describe 'h.directives.annotation', ->
newAnnotation = annotator.publish.lastCall.args[1]
assert.notInclude(, 'group:__world__')
describe '#render', ->
controller = null
beforeEach ->
controller = createController()
sandbox.spy(controller, 'render')
afterEach ->
it 'is called exactly once during the first digest', ->
it 'is called exactly once on model changes', ->
assert.calledOnce(controller.render) # still
annotation.booz = 'baz'
it 'provides a document title', ->
assert.equal(controller.document.title, 'A special document')
it 'uses the first title when there are more than one', ->
annotation.document.title = ['first title', 'second title']
assert.equal(controller.document.title, 'first title')
it 'truncates long titles', ->
annotation.document.title = '''A very very very long title that really
shouldn't be found on a page on the internet.'''
assert.equal(controller.document.title, 'A very very very long title th…')
it 'provides a document uri', ->
assert.equal(controller.document.uri, '')
it 'provides an extracted domain from the uri', ->
assert.equal(controller.document.domain, '')
it 'uses the domain for the title if the title is not present', ->
delete annotation.document.title
assert.equal(controller.document.title, '')
it 'skips the document object if no document is present on the annotation', ->
delete annotation.document
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