1. 31 Jan, 2019 4 commits
    • Robert Knight's avatar
      Update dependencies for compatibility with Babel 7 · dd43a0db
      Robert Knight authored
      Upgrade the dependencies used for adding dependency injection
      annotations to Angular components and services, and the libs used for
      code coverage reporting.
      - Replace browserify-ngannotate with babel-plugin-angularjs-annotate.
        The repo's README states that the former is unmaintained and the
        latter is the successor.
      - Replace browserify-istanbul + isparta + karma-coverage for code
        coverage reporting with babel-plugin-istanbul +
        babel-plugin-istanbul is the recommended method for instrumenting code
        using current versions of Istanbul. The karma-coverage reporter uses
        an old version of Istanbul. karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter is
        a reporter that uses the current version and is intended to be used
        alongside the Babel plugin.
      - Upgrade karma and karma-browserify
    • Robert Knight's avatar
      Upgrade to Babel v7 · cb50903e
      Robert Knight authored
    • Robert Knight's avatar
      Replace babel-preset-es2015 with babel-preset-env · 74b1e1bd
      Robert Knight authored
      This adds support for transpiling newer JS language features (ES2016+) and will
      make it easier to update going forwards.
      Decisions over what features to transpile for backwards compatibility
      are controlled by browser coverage queries. See the browserslist docs [1] for
      details of the query format.
      [1] https://github.com/browserslist/browserslist
    • Robert Knight's avatar
  2. 30 Jan, 2019 19 commits
  3. 29 Jan, 2019 17 commits