• Lyza Danger Gardner's avatar
    Add `!important` to two carefully-selected utility mixins · 6ee96180
    Lyza Danger Gardner authored
    This is the first time in my life I've ever found what seems like a
    potentially valid use case for `!important`: assuring that a utility
    class that establishes rhythm based on margins is able to do its job.
    Typically, our components should not be styling their own margins, but
    there are some cases where we do, e.g. the initial reset of button
    styles, which sets `margin: 0`. (Components should style their own
    padding, but margins are the domain of containing/parent elements).
    These two `!important` rules allow two utility mixins that are explicitly
    concerned with margins to trump the specificity of margin-resetting
    rules on descendent elements.
    See https://css-tricks.com/when-using-important-is-the-right-choice/
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